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Cape Cod LIFE August 2018

Cape Cod LIFE August 2018

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You’re sure to fall in love with olde Cape Cod. Does the timeless place that Patti Page sings about in her iconic song still exist? Explore the Cape treasures that still exist, from surf casting on the Outer Cape beaches to sailing aboard Falmouth’s classic schooner, the Liberte´, to the beloved Chatham Band Concerts that have charmed families for over six decades. A family of five digs deep into the past as they explore the Cape in search of quintessential Cape Cod vacation. The recurring series, Harbor LIFE explores the bustling village of Woods Hole. The rich history of Crosby Yacht Yard in Osterville shows just how influential they have been for centuries. Liam’s snack shack at Nauset Beach in Orleans succumbed to a storm this past winter, read their beloved history. The Oldtimers Surf Contest at Whitecrest Beach in Wellfleet still attracts a crowd.